With the latest release of the ARK development kit we also found some interesting new items that are being implemented aside from the Dodorex preview. These items include:
- An industrial forge
- Bunk beds (finally something else than the thatch bed)
- An alchemy bench (will we get potions or does this have to do with the upcoming RP system?)
- A wall lamp
- Trophy heads, currently limited to rex and broodmother.
Anyway, enough with the talking, here are some pictures:

Below a comparison between the stone forge and the upcoming industrial forge. Keep in mind that the current size of the industrial forge can be off, as it is still under development. It can happen that the actual in game forge will be smaller.
That doesn’t look like a forge. Looks more like a smelter.
thats what the forge is lol
and Swords?
and Half Walls?
I don’t have DevKit, but I downloaded diffcontent of v220, please add screenshots of Words and HalfWalls
I will take a look at it and add them when possible.
How about getting rid of the fabricator and put a large 3D printer instead make’s more sence
Because you don’t 3D print metal objects…
Why can’t y’all work on optimization before adding new content?