Terror Bird
Dossier Wild: Ranging from eight to twelve feet tall, Phorusrhacidae Rapidesultor is a highly aggressive avian that is just barely capable of very brief “flight”. Instead, it uses its wings primarily for balance during its high-speed sprints. Phorusrhacidae flight is actually closer to an impressive sustained leap or glide that is assisted and lengthened by flapping its wings. Domesticated: Phorusrhacidae is an excellent combat mount, particularly for harassing and scouting. Riders of Phorusrhacidae gain most of the benefits of a fast, mobile ground-based theropod, while also gaining some of the freedom of movement from a flyer… Assuming the rider can coax Phorusrhacidae into staying in the air over a long leap. Known Information: Phorusrhacidae shows interesting traitsRead More →