With patch v239 getting really close (close-close, so today), more and more screenshots (including catchy captions) are released by the Wildcard team. An overview of them can be found here, and they do not only include the new Direbear and Manta, but also the Broodmother boss arena. Hopefully it will finally be released and not pushed back again, as it looks fairly finished. Additionally, the new spotlight can also be found at the bottom of this post!
What are you guys looking out for the most? The new creatures, new items or the larger changes such as the boss arenas or breeding mechanics?

How soon can we expect details of the taming mats, like kibble and narcs for the bear and the manta? I want to tame it as soon as it comes out 😛
It will take a little while as I’m not home for the next couple of hours :p as soon as I’m back at my computer it will be available in around 30 minutes
I just want this released to PS4 already damnit