The next Xbox patch has been announced by Wildcard and is aimed to be released on April 7. It will contain all content up to, and including, PC version 238 (so that’s v237 and v238).
Some of the highlights of the upcoming patch can be found below with additional information.
New creatures
This time, 3! new creatures have been announced: the Woolly Rhino, Eurypterid and Dunkleosteus. We’ve already covered these in some devkit previews, so click on their names to find more information and images of how they will look like.
New caves
The snow and swamp cave will also come to the xbox version. Be prepared, as it contains a lot of high level creatures and environmental hazards with only one goal: killing you.
For a full overview of the in-game differences between the PC and Xbox version of ARK: Survival Evolved, head over to our comparison post and check out what lies ahead.
Full patch notes
v733 (Current)
- All PC Content & Fixes Through PC v238 (such as “New Cave-Dungeons: Snow and Swamp. New Creatures: Woolly Rhino, Eurypterid, & Dunkleosteus, etc)
- Improved game framerate by approximately 10% (rendering & cpu)
- Fixed Bug: Focus is now NOT on the Leave Tribe button when opening the Tribe Menu, also added a Leave Tribe confirmation dialog.
- If you get stuck underground, you now teleport back above ground.
- Mammoth colorization fixed
- Timer values that were resetting to 0 on “Reset Options” now reset to their correct value
- Server administrators can now specify a list of administrator users to have access to the full set of administrator (console) commands, as on PC. Singleplayer/Non-Dedicated hosts always have this option. If you have administrator access, all PC console commands can now be inputted at the Pause Menu.
- Server Options now have edit boxes for inputting direct arbritrary values.
- Spyglass now works properly in splitscreen.
Any way to get an unstuck button, I have been stuck 2-3 times when coming off a rock cliff and the only way to get out is by death, being that the game things I’m still falling I cant just jump out and waiting to starve take way too long when this happens
Skuff you should make a flyer follow you so you can mount it while stuck. If you forgot you dino you can eat things that you are not supposed to (example: poop, raw meat, spoiled meat, organic polymer) so you can die
How do I get Dino’s back that have dissappeared
You dont get them back sadly…
Hope there will be more official servers…
Why isnt the update out yet
I was about to ask that
The last patch was released around 6:30 Central time
IN BRAZIL it was released around 9pm (BRAZIL CLOCK)
Please look into removing around host player boundaries off of non dedicated servers. Thank You!
can you add the mods like ANUNAKI
I cannot, as I’m not a Wildcard developer ;p However, we will see more mods in the future coming to xbox, so who knows