It has been a while since the latest DevKit preview, but we’re back. This time we came across a lot of new creature models (around 7!) and we have an awesome colored Titanosaur to show you. Most of the creatures are just modeled at this moment, but we can see that Studio Wildcard is working hard on getting all the announced creatures out on time. Hopefully they will be released in one of the upcoming patches, as we cannot wait to see them in the game. Have fun checking out the screenshots below and let us know what you think of them!

Sabertooth Salmon
Titanosaur (Colored)

I think the devs can release the game by june at this rate :D, they are modeling ljke crazy
Haha, indeed they are. They still have some modeling to go though ;p
I just saw the compy on top of its head lol?
That’s not a Compy
This is amazing can’t wait
Ark devs are demigods at modelling and texturing and making ark in general