
It shouldn’t come as a surprise when we say that the Xbox version is behind the PC version in terms of content. To make everything a little clearer, we will create an overview that lists all the current differences between the two versions. That way you can keep track of which features will be released in a future update. The list is divided into a couple of categories, to make it easier to find the things you are looking for. If it is not in the list, then that means that it is available in both the Xbox version as the PC version of the game.Read More →


A new day, and a new devkit update. We bring you more updates on some of the upcoming items and creatures, including the Direbear and Giant Eel. Furthermore there is also an upcoming artifact (for the new caves) and another sword present. Direbear The Direbear has entered the Dev Kit. Currently there is only a model available, so we are only able to show you that. Giant Eel Just like the Direbear, the Giant Eel only has a model available. Dunkleostus We’ve already showed you the model of the Dunkleostus a while back, but now it is available in full colors. Chinese Sword In addition toRead More →


Patch v233 has just hit our games today and this brings us a lot of new content. We will cover some of the hightlights in this post and provide you with all the information you need to be up to date with the latest patch. Breakdown time! Electric prod This weapon has been in the dev kit for a while, but now it is finally released for you to use. The electric prod can stun creatures and enemies when you hit them. It looks a bit like the weapon from TR-8R weapon in Star Wars, don’t you think? The torpor damage it does is massive. Testing indicatedRead More →


As the patch approaches, Drake has revealed two new screenshots on some of the upcoming changes: one of the Gallimimus and one of the SWAT armor (including the electric prod). You can check them out below. Update: more screenshots of the armor and Gallimimus have been released, scroll down below to see it including a spotlight video. Also the patch has been released, so for more information and screenshots head on over here. Gallimimus The Gallimimus is a lot bigger than we initially expected, and we can now see how you can easily fit three people on it. Also note that the saddle allows for equipping andRead More →


While waiting for the new patch to be released (v233), we’ve looked into the DevKit once more. As usual, we found some nice additions that we wanted to share with you. These include the Terror Bird (but with feathers!), the upcoming electric prod, a new weapon called the grappling hook and some more lore related items: explorer notes. There is also a preview of the Gallimimus and SWAT armor available in another post that you might want to check out. Feathered Terror Bird Last time, we showed you the models of the Terror bird. Now we are able to show it in color. All textures are present,Read More →