ARK Admin Item ID list

ARK Admin Item ID list

In this post the item IDs are displayed (in a very long list) of all the items you can spawn as an administrator in ARK: Survival Evolved up to patch v232. These items can be summoned in single players as well on your own servers where you have admin rights. The items that you spawn will be put inside your inventory, so be aware that you will get heavy easily when spawning multiple structure items.

The item spawn command can be entered in the console (normally this is brought up by pressing TAB) and is as follows:

cheat GiveItemNum <itemID> <quantity> <quality> <blueprint>

The ‘cheat’ part is not needed when you are in single player, but it is not harmful if you do type it. Furthermore, the following inputs are allowed for each of the paramaters:

  • <itemID> : Here you input the itemID number which you can find in the table below.
  • <quantity> : A number between 1 and 200, representing how much of the item you want to spawn. Do remember that items stack differently and quantities can not be more than the maximum stack amount. This means that if you want to spawn 20 pistols that only stack to 1, you will only receive a single pistol even if you put in a quantity of 20. In that case you have to repeat the command 20 times in order to get the 20 pistols. Update: This no longer applies to all items, so it might happen that you will receive 20 stacks of 1 item in some cases.
  • <quality> : A number between 0 and 100 representing the quality of the item. Currently we do not know all the exact values, but 0 represents ‘primitive’ quality and 100 is ‘ascendant’. The numbers in between will therefore apply to ramshackle, apprentice, journeyman and mastercraft, however the exact boundaries are unknown (if you happen to know these, please let us know in a comment below).
  • <blueprint>: Either a 0 (no blueprint, but the item in stead) or a 1 (blueprint).

An example of spawning a single primitive Simple Pistol would for instance be:

GiveItemNum 1 1 1 0

And a single ascendant blueprint for a Simple Pistol would be:

GiveItemNum 1 1 100 1

Android & iOS App

Don’t forget that you can also use the Survive ARK Companion app for the summon commands. This is especially useful for Xbox One players as you can copy the full command (adjusted to your needs) over from the companion app! No more issues with typing them over or combining them yourself; only a single click necessary to copy it to your clipboard! Download it here from Google Play or get it on the App Store here!

ARK: Scorched Earth Commands

For ARK: Scorched Earth commands, see this page.

ARK: Tek Tier Commands

You can find all the ARK: Survival Evolved Tek Tier commands in the table “Items without item ID”. Make sure to search for ‘Tek’ in there to get a nice overview of them all!

Items with item ID

Items without item ID

There are a couple of items which do not have a proper number assigned to them yet. These items are listed below with the possible number and the spawn path that you can use when the number isn’t working. Make sure you also include the double (“) and single quotes (‘) when inputting this in your console and be aware that copying the line might remove / replace the single quotes (so if you copied it and it doesn’t work, try adding the quotes again or type it manually). Also make sure you use the ‘GiveItem’ command instead of ‘GiveItemNum’ when you use the path.

An example of spawning the Elevator Track Base would be:

GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/BuildingBases/PrimalItemStructure_ElevatorTrackBase.PrimalItemStructure_ElevatorTrackBase'" 1 1 false

Special Halloween Fear Evolved Event item codes

The blueprints below only worked during the Halloween Fear Evolved event. This means that you might no longer be able to spawn these items into your game, unless you are on a modified server.

Special Winter Wonderland Event item codes

The blueprints below only worked during the Winter Wonderland event. This means that you might no longer be able to spawn these items into your game, unless you are on a modified server.

Special Valentines Day Event item codes

The blueprints below only worked during the Valentines Day event. This means that you might no longer be able to spawn these items into your game, unless you are on a modified server.

Special Eggcellent Adventure Event item codes

The blueprints below only worked during the Eggcellent Adventure event. This means that you might no longer be able to spawn these items into your game, unless you are on a modified server.


  1. If possible, might we be able to get an option to view this list by alphabetical name rather than item number?

    1. For some reason I can only reply to comments, i don’t have an option to leave a new comment.
      From the article…” : A number between 0 and 100 representing the quality of the item. Currently we do not know all the exact values, but 0 represents ‘primitive’ quality and 100 is ‘ascendant’. The numbers in between will therefore apply to ramshackle, apprentice, journeyman and mastercraft, however the exact boundaries are unknown (if you happen to know these, please let us know in a comment below).”

      Here’s the numbers for quality levels. I tested this on a doedicurous saddle so if it’s different with other items let me know but it should be the same across all items.
      Primitive quality can be either 0, 1, 2, 4 or 5 (no there’s no equal difference it’s quite random); Ramshackle you won’t get until 17 (I didn’t go higher than that as it was the last quality level to find); Apprentice is 3 or 7; Journeyman is 6, 10 or 16; Mastercraft is 8, 9 or 11; Ascendant is 12, 13, 14 or 15. Any of the numbers will work. I stopped at 17 because I finally got the ramshackle number, it may have more but you only need one of the numbers and you will get the item.

  2. die Liste könnte mal nen Update mit den ganzen neuen Sachen vertragen^^

    1. Author

      Yeah, I know. Will update them very soon (expect this weekend). Didn’t have the time to keep track of everything in the past period.

      1. It doesn’t work for me,i put it in right but it still doesn’t work.

          1. um i cant get it to work but all other commands work

  3. “Blueprint’/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_QuetzSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_QuetzSaddle'” i tryed this didnt work

    1. “Blueprint’/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_QuetzSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_QuetzSaddle”

      try that you have an extra ‘ in it.

      1. Worked have to use the GiveItem command before it

  4. This really helped me, Thanks

  5. Want an Ascendant Fabricated Sniper Rifle? Press tab, type:

    giveitemnum 436 1 30 false

    hit enter && BAM!! A beauty all your own!

    If you want the blueprint change false to true.

    1. Omg i love you! been looking for this for days!

    2. It would actually be giveitemnum 436 1 100 false, if you type in 30 it gives you a journeyman level.

  6. Artifact 155 in item list gives u immune doesn’t sat queen

      1. How do I paste on Xbox one? I got the app and I copied it to do clipboard but how do I paste?

        1. Assuming you have smartglass for xBox one, down in the bottom right hand corner is a remote icon, press that, leave it there and when you open your text box on your console, the app’ will automatically open its own text box, then just paste as usual. Hope this helps. Nicho..!

  7. Advanced Sniper ammo dosent work anybody know why.

    1. are you asking for too big of a quantity?

    2. didn’t work for me every ammo in the game didn’t work for it my advice is get rid it its junk.

    1. Author

      For some reason they were missing, but I’ve added them now. They have ids 446-450 in the table.

      1. Item number for riot helmet doesnt work in xbox one version. Item num 450

    1. Also, is there no riot shield Id?

  8. How do you disable something like flying

    1. You get it by puting 8 stone and 4 chitin or keratin in a mortar and pestle. Chitin from bugs. Keratin from scorpians, turtles, and some other animals. Hope that helped.

      1. Scorpions definitely do not give keratin, any bug/spider/scorpion type animal drops chitin, dinos such as turtles, trikes, carnos, and even sabertooths drop keratin. If you make a chemistry bench you get x6 units per craft item. yes it takes more (crafting reqs) per craft item but it does turn out way more than mortar and pestle and a hell of a lot faster. I hit craft all 150 for gun powder, got 900 gunpowder. you do the math.

  9. Item number 450 does not work, when i type it in on my xbox it keeps deleting it but when i type in a different item number it works perfectly fine

  10. Does the Bionic Rex Skin have no ID or blueprint path? it Must have one. could you put that one in?

  11. I can’t seem to get the tranq darts command to work on xbox one, any help would be appreciated

    1. Giveitem “Blueprint’/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItemAmmo_TranqDart.PrimalItemAmmo_TranqDart'” 50 100 False

  12. Love the new update, but I think it would cool to have a drop down menu for the commands. I also think that you should add more character customization like hair.

    1. Hair is coming in a near future update. styles, growing, so scissors for cutting hair as well. facial hair etc. look up the upcoming patch notes and you can read about what’s to come.

  13. How do we spawn in sword what is the id for sword?

    1. you have to get the muterals to make it

    1. If it was not the fear the ARK event then it does not work.

      1. None of the blueprint list items are working for me like the chem bench 🙁

  14. How do you spawn in something without a number id on xbox one?

    1. Author

      I don’t understand what you mean with the comment. Could you elaborate a bit?

  15. I’ve tried spawing grappling hooks exactly how you wrote it, with 0 spaces\singles and doubles and nothing spawns in my inventory, also spell checked myself. -XboxOne

  16. Mini guns are not spawning I can’t have an anti scrub base without miniguns BTW plan b (plant species x) won’t spawn it’s seeds

  17. Hey it wont let me get the elevator track
    on xbox one i even tried to craft it at the fabricator and still wont work

  18. Please add in Castoroides saddle and Quetz regular and Platform, Love the game btw <3

    1. Author

      Those are already in the list. Check the ones without item IDs (as most of the new items don’t have an ID)

  19. The Stone Fireplace is missing. Any chance of us getting a code for that sometime?

    1. Author

      Are you getting another item or does it simply not work at all? Also, do other numbers work or do none of them work properly for you?

  20. Excellent list, perfect for getting items you don’t have enough EP for after reaching max level cap… I tried to get a manta saddle yesterday on Xbox One and it wouldn’t spawn. Even after triple checking the code still nothing.

    1. Author

      It seems some of the commands don’t work all the time on xbox :/ however, it is difficult to create a comprehensive list as i get mixed indications for some

  21. Whats the command for raw prime meat or raw meat? Im doing it like they say and nothing happens. I type what I think is the code, press admin command and nothing happens. Im on xbox one.

    1. Author

      admincheat GiveItemNum 12 20 1 0 for 20 raw meat, admincheat GiveItemNum 252 1 1 0 for 1 raw prime meat

      1. What about stone wall? That one dosnt seem to be working.

  22. 164 is oil not cementing paste

  23. The items without ids just dont work

    1. Author

      They should work though. Make sure to use the proper ‘ and ” characters and don’t make a single typo in the command.

  24. I copied and pasted them to my xbox

    1. Author

      hm, and if you try the example code (the pistol one at the top of the page)? Does that one work?

  25. riot helmet, reinforced door window and trapdoor number dont work via xbox the input box goes blank once you press start to confirm writing so command button can be pressed

    1. Author

      Yeah, it seems that those ids are filtered out on xbox for some reason (has to do with filtering out swear words and such). Hopefully it will be fixed in a future update.

  26. Can some one explain how to get the bionic Rex with the command its at the bottom of all the ones with IDs, and tell me if it doesn’t work?

  27. Item number zero gives you a helmet blueprint called second. The description is “It’s a different helmet!” You can’t get the item using a command, just the blueprint

    1. Also, item paths for wardrums and war map look mixed up and riot helm doesn’t work for xbox. Whenever you type in the command, it doesn’t enter.

    2. Author

      There are some unequippable items which are the real base blueprints used by the game. Since you cannot use them, they are not included in the list

  28. Every time I spawn in a dinosaur it says they’re too heavy to move… And I can’t get the bionic Rex skin either

    1. Author

      When do you get that message? When you are trying to ride them? About the rex skin; are you on xbox and do you have every dossier in your survivor profile unlocked?

  29. Can you give an example of typing in a no ID

    1. Author

      There is an example of the elevator tracks at the top of the blueprint table

  30. The plesiosaur platform saddle won’t work

  31. There’s no Id for sniper bullets

  32. How do you have build a house on a cliff… Do you put ceiling on a pillar?

  33. i tried to get the tranq dart and it wont work

  34. When will you be fixing the Riot helm?

    1. Author

      I cannot fix the issue with the riot helmet as I’m not a Wildcard developer. I do know that the issue has to do the with input filter on xbox, so hopefully it will be fixed in one of the patches.

    1. Author

      Search for ghillie in the blueprint list. There are currently no ids available for them

  35. the lesser antidote wont work for me (on xbox)

  36. Why don’t the blueprints work

  37. I have a solution to every ones problem make it possible to just give engram points using commands that would solve almost every thing cause i cant get any blueprint paths to work and i have been trying all day long.

  38. I’ve typed in the commands exactly on my Xbox one but they still won’t work, I tried a simple fly command and nothing happened, please help

  39. How di i get the master craft assault rifle

  40. Where are the quetzal platform saddle?

  41. Ok I don’t understand how to spawn stuff with the ID number above 10 plz help

  42. Can’t get bionic Rex costume to work command doesn’t work help please

  43. uh….item number 450 keeps on deleting my text (deletes the item number 450 part) but all item nums enter just fine, im on xbox one btw

  44. The bionic Rex won’t work for me

  45. Is there a way you can take off the barrier in a non dedicated server because my friends can’t get that far away from me without it teleporting back to me

  46. So I guess I just don’t understand because I’m new to this but I’ve entered a ton of commands on my Xbox and none of them have worked. Think you could dumb it down for me?,

  47. Since y’all didn’t post anything for the Xbox 244 patch, I guess I’ll throw my question here.

    I’m unable to summon in a Pelagornis on The Center. I used the companion app directly and the official Xbox app, copied and pasted the two commands but nothing’s happened. Help?

    1. Author

      There seem to be an issue with that command. I’m looking into it and let you know if I find a solution 🙂

    1. Author

      adminCheat giveItem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/SCUBA/PrimalItemArmor_GasMask.PrimalItemArmor_GasMask'" 1 0 0

  48. What is the item number for rex kibble.. it says item number 336 but thats sarco kibble :/

    1. Author

      Try 335, for some people the IDs seem to be shifted by one, but not everyone is having this issue. Would you mind sharing on what kind of server you play and if you purchased the new dlc?

  49. why isn’t there a number ID for all scorched earth items

  50. also whenever i force tame an animal after 5 seconds it loggs me out of the game

  51. Quetzal Platform saddle command doesn’t work for me on xbox

  52. I can’t get the sword to spawn

  53. Do we have the scorched earth id numbers or how long will it take because I can get some of the codes to work but not all of them and not all the time on some (I play on xbox for reference)

    1. Sorry I should paste it on the scorched earth list for better results

    2. Author

      The developers of the game are the ones that are able to add them to the ID list. This is only a fan made website, so I can only provide the current commands and cannot change anything about them 🙁 for xbox you can also take a look at the SA Companion app, as that one will make it easier to copy / paste the long commands

  54. whenever i do tame or force tame it logs me out of the game right after

    1. Are you riding something? Do not forcetame while mounted – it’s a known crash issue.

  55. Is there a way to get a list of Primitive+ spawn codes?

      1. That’s awesome – thank you so much for the quick response!

  56. To comment on the item quality number it’s 6 to obtain mastercraft tried it on the crossbow it worked hope that helps

  57. can you ask ark to add every item to the id numbers

    1. Bro, this is an early access game, it’s still incomplete. A couple hundred personnel are working on designing and creating this game. once the full release comes out then ask for all items to have a code, I’m sure by that time they will assign a code for each item. Patience bro, full release is scheduled for this year.

  58. Can anyone tell me the ID for the advanced sniper bullet I can find it and I’ve looked through it multiple times.

  59. Can i get some help with the tapejara saddle it just does not want to work while every other code does.

  60. Thank you so much for all the ID numbers. On Xbox One, if someone needs fixes for the items not appearing in their inventory, make sure to click on the Admin Command (beside the line of command they justentered) or the item won’t spawn. Sounds like a no brainer now, but I was getting frustrated at the beginning.

    FYI.some items stack to 100, some to 200, some to 20. Realize that when you want stuff…or you will get 20 meat when you ask for 100, and 100 Smithies when you want 1.

    I also found that instead of fretting about things w/o numbers, like stone walls, it was just as easy to spawn in the materials and create the item. Then I get the XP too. Created an enormous dino gate/paddock using this method. Admittedly it took a long time, and was a bit of a PITA, but in reality it wasn’t too difficult.

  61. From the article…” : A number between 0 and 100 representing the quality of the item. Currently we do not know all the exact values, but 0 represents ‘primitive’ quality and 100 is ‘ascendant’. The numbers in between will therefore apply to ramshackle, apprentice, journeyman and mastercraft, however the exact boundaries are unknown (if you happen to know these, please let us know in a comment below).”
    Here’s the numbers for quality levels. I tested this on a doedicurous saddle so if it’s different with other items let me know but it should be the same across all items.
    Primitive quality can be either 0, 1, 2, 4 or 5 (no there’s no equal difference it’s quite random); Ramshackle you won’t get until 17 (I didn’t go higher than that as it was the last quality level to find); Apprentice is 3 or 7; Journeyman is 6, 10 or 16; Mastercraft is 8, 9 or 11; Ascendant is 12, 13, 14 or 15. Any of the numbers will work. I stopped at 17 because I finally got the ramshackle number, it may have more but you only need one of the numbers and you will get the item.

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