ARK Admin Dino Summoning

ARK Admin Dino Summoning

You can spawn all creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved, by using the following console command (press TAB in-game to bring up the console):

cheat summon <creatureBlueprint>

If you are in singleplayer modus, it is not necessary to add ‘cheat’ before the summon command. Furthermore, the blueprint names you can input are listed in the table below. For spawning an Ankylosaurus for instance, you would use the following command:

cheat summon Ankylo_Character_BP_C

This will summon an Ankylosaurus at a random level and with random colors. If you want to have a creature of specific level, you can take a look at this post on advanced summoning. There another command is used which gives you the possibility to state the level of the dino you want to summon.

Please note that this list also included some upcoming creatures, since the ARK Devkit already contains those blueprints. These creatures are colored red in the table and cannot be spawned in-game yet.

A little tip that might come in handy when summoning creatures: it is possible to force-tame them by looking in the creature’s direction and using the following command:


Android & iOS App

Don’t forget that you can also use the Survive ARK Companion app for the summon commands. This is especially useful for Xbox One players as you can copy the full command (adjusted to your needs) over from the companion app! No more issues with typing them over or combining them yourself; only a single click necessary to copy it to your clipboard! Download it here from Google Play or get it on the App Store here!

ARK: Scorched Earth Commands

For ARK: Scorched Earth commands, see this page.

Normal creatures


ARK: Survival Evolved also has a couple of boss creatures. The giant ape (Megapithecus) is only available in the Survival of the Fittest version of the game. A little note on the dragon spawn: it will disappear after 20-40 minutes, since that’s how it is implemented in the game type the dragon is found in. It is therefore not possible to summon the dragon and keep it forever. The DodoRex can only be spawned when events are active. Outside of events the command will not work.

Name Creature Blueprint
Broodmother Lyrix SpiderL_Character_BP_C
Dragon Dragon_Character_BP_C
Megapithecus Gorilla_Character_BP_C
DodoRex DodoRex_Character_BP_C


For the Fear Evolved event, there were some special summon commands available

Name Creature Blueprint
DodoRex DodoRex_Character_BP_C
Skeletal Bronto Bone_Sauropod_Character_BP_C
Skeletal Stego Bone_Stego_Character_BP_C
Skeletal Trike Bone_Trike_Character_BP_C
Zombie Dodo ZombieDodo_Character_BP


  1. The Dino summoning didn’t work for me

    1. Did you type summon and then the command

      1. It didn’t work for me at first but then I restarted the game and it work fine

    2. u gotta type “cheat summon” before the code

      1. Its example summon saber_character_bp_c

    3. If you want it to work do this Cheat summon [Dino ID]_bp_c

  2. The only problem is the long ones I wish they were all id ones

  3. Can i tame the bosses and keep them forever or do they disappear after a short time

    1. Author

      All creatures that are not naturally tameable in the game (so only through a force tame command) will despawn when the server goes down.

  4. all work for me but the DodoRex does not work same with the dragon it does not stay in the world for 20 min i does not spawn in

  5. i cant spawn Megapithecus and Dragon

      1. there has been an update to ark on the Xbox one. the update includes that the megapithecous and the dragon boss were added. is there an explaination to why these two commands don’t work? I also tried to summon the brood mother and that didn’t work either.

        1. Author

          The commands should work in the latest patch. Please check that you’ve correctly copied the command and try restarting your xbox (as that solves most of the weird issues)

          1. All of the Dino’s? Like alpha, bosses and the drag also Halloween Dino’s??

          2. Author

            Except for the Halloween dinos and the DodoRex, all should work. The halloween ones were only available during the Fear evolved event, so those can also not be spawned on PC currently (but might make another pass in a new event).

  6. Can’t seem to summon the Dimetrodon, tired restarting game and still doesn’t work. Anyone else having this problem?

    1. Author

      No, you spawn them in wild so be careful with carnivours as they will attack you

  7. can you force tame a titanoboa for eggs?

    1. Author

      You can force tame it, but it will most likely despawn when you close the server / single player world.

  8. that is not true when you force tame it stays forever no matter the creature

    1. Author

      Try taming an alpha raptor with force tame; it will despawn after you leave the game / shutdown the server. Only creatures that are tameable in the game will stay when using force tame, all others will simply disappear.

  9. Can someone help me spawn an Argent

    1. If you’re in singleplayer, use the following command…

      SpawnDino “Blueprint’/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Argentavis/Argent_Character_BP.Argent_Character_BP'” 400 1 1 120

      You can replace 120 with whatever level you want, I have a bunch of level 1,500s roaming lol.


  11. It’s no working for me I’m typing “cheatsummon”Ankylo_Charater_BP_C

  12. When will the manta and dire bear be on xbox? And when can we spawn them in?

    1. Author

      As soon as they are released in an xbox patch, so probably in a couple of weeks

          1. But when I type it in and I have reset my Xbox and done all that but it still does not work

    1. It will be on May 17 along with DireBear SadertoothSalmon Lytrosours and the Arthro Centipede thingy.

  13. How do you spawn in the gorilla the big one

  14. Why can I spawn a dodo Rex on Xbox one or is it a mod

    1. Author

      It is only available during events (also on PC). Since there are currently no active events on xbox, it cannot be spawned in.

  15. My Dino’s keep disappearing wen I spawn then in after A while

  16. Guys just look on the ark forums and u will have all ur questions answered….

  17. how do you access the cheat menu on xbox one my friend tought me how but what space do you wright in ?

  18. Is there a way to summon your tamed animals

  19. Do spawned creatures through commands despawn if not tamed in single player mode?

  20. Hey im having trouble spawnig in the dinos i know how to its just the fact the game im in the center world and spme areas where its safe to do ao it dosnt work plz fix that.oh and can you work on the dragn plz?

  21. The dragon and gorilla work on xbox

  22. Can you get a Titanosour on Xbox

    1. Author

      Are you on pc or xbox one? Currently the titanosaur is not yet available on xbox

  23. Titanosaur was just add on the Computer version. It’s not on the Xbox, yet.

  24. Why do some summon commands have C at the end? What does it mean?

    1. Author

      Most likely it’s an abbreviation of “Class”, but not all the summon commands contain it (leeches don’t have it for example).

  25. the leech and eurypt dont spawn on xbox for me

  26. When will the Dodorex and Titanasaur be added to Xbox¿

  27. I restarted the Xbox to get the update but it doesn’t work (for the titanasour).

  28. When is the titanisoura being on the spawn list?

  29. Can u spawn in a titanosaur on xbox one or no

  30. When is the Alosoras being added?

  31. I can not summon any creatures on Xbox one at all

  32. How do adjust the level of the Dino before you spawn it in … I know you can do it .. But no one even brushes over that option or how to write it in code . Please respond ?

    1. Author

      There is a whole page about spawning a specific level dino on this website. There’s a link at the top of the page, explaining about ‘advanced dino summoning’ that you can click on

  33. Is there away to give your Dino’s experience? E.g. give trike 100000 experience (like u can with players)

    1. Author

      Yes, just ride on the dino and then use the command. It should give the dino experience instead of you (this also works for other commands like infinitestats)

  34. This info is awesome thank you ark DEVS

  35. I can’t spawn the gigantopithicus on Xbox and I restarted

  36. i hope the new dinos in the latest update get added soon, i really wanna spawn a therizinosaurus soon >.<

  37. I cant summon a raptor or a quetz and i did both correctly even though i can summon advance dinos with specific level and i restarted my system as well

  38. I use the SA app daily. Works great and I love it. But, I’m having a issue with the achatina. I just switched to a Prim+ server. The spawn command works fine on full version but on Prim+ I can’t get them to spawn in, and I can’t find one on the map. I’ve tried all the different spawn commands for them, but it’s not working. Help please. Thanks.

    cheat summon Achatina_Character_BP_C

    AdminCheat SpawnDino “Blueprint’/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Achatina/Achatina_Character_BP.Achatina_Character_BP'” 500 0 0 120

    1. Author

      I believe it’s currently impossible to spawn some creatures on primitive plus with admin commands (like the achatina, but I beleive that the gigantopithecus and pachyrhino also cannot be spawned). Unfortunately I cannot help you with this issue, as it has to do with the Prim+ total conversion being very buggy with some things. The best thing that you can do is to reach out to ComplexMinded on Twitter to let him know about the issue and hope that he will fix it in an update 😛

  39. How do you summon DodoRex on Playstation 4? I seen Videos on Playstation 4 with the DodoRex and its not even on October or November.

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